
Showing posts with the label Home
How to Play External Audio in a Video To use the external audio files to play with your,  use BS.player . STEPS:
Make Dual Audio or Change Audio of a Video Using Avidemux Avidemux is a widely used free video editing tool because it supports many video formats and it is easy to use. Using this you can add or replace audio of your video with EXTERNAL audio file.
Make Dual Audio Or Change Audio Of A Movie UsingVirtualDubMod Use VirtualDubMod to make a dual audio movie from your existing movie and an external audio (mp3,wav) file. It’s a freeware, if you don’t have it, download it from web. STEPS:
Perform Blank Search In Windows 7 You have seen in the movie The Social Network, Mark Zuckerberg doing a blank search to see all the photos on the network at same time.   Blank Search in Windows 7 is similar to this because by doing this you can see all the files of your Computer
Access Hidden Themes in Windows 7 and Install Them There are four extra themes in windows 7 which are not shown in Personalize setting. You can access them ad install them. These are as wonderful as other themes which are already installed. STEPS:
How To See Full PC Configuration of Your Computer Often when people want to see their system configuration, they right-click on My Computer and see properties but do not get much information there. Here is a way to see full PC properties/configuration, for example, Graphic Properties ,  BIOS , System Properties , Ram, Display Properties, Sound Devices and much more.
How to improve audio quality in windows movie maker to upload video on YouTube If you are fed up using windows movie maker due to its bad audio quality for uploading videos on YouTube, here is your solution. Use Avidemux to replace the audio of your video with EXTERNAL audio file (mp3/wav). Avidemux is a free video editing tool, download if you don’t have this.