
Showing posts with the label I Love You

How is "I Love You" encrypted to "P ZQAE TQR" in the movie The Imitation Game?

So I was watching the movie The Imitation Game and really liked it. At the end of movie I wanted to know how ‘P ZQAE TQR’ stands for I LOVE YOU. So I thought I should give it try if I could get it. Let’s assume we only have the code ‘P ZQAE TQR’ and we don’t have its answer. First look at most occurring letter in code i.e. Q and relate it with most occurring letters in a sentence i.e. a, e, i, o, u. With some hit and trial method we get, Q =O and E=E So write it down, ? = a E = e        | 0 ? = i Q = o       | -2 ? = u This table can be completed easily. B = a        | -1 E = e        | 0 H = i         | +1 Q = o       | -2 R = u        | +3 Total sum = 7 (irrespective of sign) We can see different rules will be applied for vowels and consonants. The main trick is to start with first word i.e. ‘P’. We can see, P-7 = I. So, P -7 ...